Sunday, November 23, 2008

Finally posting...some sad news

Okay, so I haven't posted anything since March....oops! Life is so busy, it's hard to make time for blogging. I already take enough pictures of everything, so this is just one extra step. Shouldn't be that big of a deal!

My friend K has been going through some tough times lately, including losing both of her cats, about a week apart...she's having a hard time with it(as anyone would!!) and I racked my brain trying to come up with something I could do for her.

I decided to make her a rice pack, which she can heat up in the microwave and use for sore muscles, etc...I knew her cats always slept on top of her, so I thought this would be a good kitty substitute. Warm and heavy. And I embroidered silly kitty likenesses on each side of it. I know some people might be weirded out by that, but I think she will like it.

RIP One-Eyed Jack and Elvis! You were good kitties.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a nice friend you are!